Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting the story(ies) out

Something I started doing this past month was writing for the local newspaper - specifically for their weekend supplement that carries feature articles more than current news.  (Aptly called the Weekender)  It's been fun as it is a reason for me to get out and meet farm families and rural personalities that I have wanted to get to know better, regardless of writing the articles or not.  And it is interesting to hear comments from people who have read the stories and have been made to think or ponder different topics in new ways.  I've only had two published so far but I have more ideas in my head than I do have time (right now) for writing.    They are below in the form of images (click on image to get a larger version) as there is not an online versions of this paper.

Story about Fern Thornton Cook - a local woman who wrote her first book in her early 80's

Sharing the story of Darcy and Candace Goodrich

Goodriches - part two

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