Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am sitting on the front porch of the cabin at Sunrise Farm - sipping red wine, camera ready for a great shot of the birds, deer or sunset... or whatever else might come along.  Amber - the farm dog - sits next to me, every so often vying for attention with my computer and the scenery around me.

Tomorrow I wrap up my stay here.  Since Wednesday morning Don Ruzicka has patiently carried me next to him on his quad as we rode through his chores for the day.  I have helped out where I could in feeding the pigs, chickens and turkeys; held the gate and passed ear tags while we sorted, tagged and moved cattle; weeded strawberries; and spotted black rot - to be cut out from the still young shelter belts.  And all along we've carried out a constant conversation that flowed from the practical (yarrow and sage are signs of over-grazing) to the philosophical; from the daily work needed to be done on this farm to the way our communities and nation and world is shaping up to be.

Don's a fountain of knowledge - ideas, quotes, contacts and sound thinking flows from him as he gathers eggs or lets his pigs enjoy a a stream of water.  He's encouraging and open and looking for new thoughts, ideas and connections to add to his already abundant understanding of agriculture and life today in the farming communities of Alberta.  I am humbled, honoured and thrilled to get to crank ice cream beside him :)

(long pause while I watch 10 ducks land on the creek in front of me)

These four days have reconnected me to why I've come home and why the theories and books that were making me cranky a few day ago, are important.

I am looking forward to getting back home and getting more words on the page for my paper.  For losing myself in the material and I am nervous what I may find when I do.  Good nervous. Just strapped myself into a rollercoaster and now at the top of the first steep incline nervous.

Ready for the ride - although hoping it doesn't go too fast because I do want to enjoy the view along the way.

(complete set of pics from the farm are here)

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